Seiju Chop

ya..these seiju's are super flexible too...i bent mine that was growing straight up over 90 degrees and put a bunch of twists and turns in it to change it from an upright to a cascade...and it's still growing strong!
This is going to be a really great tree.

I took cuttings from my crappy one and it appears they propagate easily from cuttings. I plan on making some awesome mame plants with some and growing the others out in colanders.
More BS.

No seriously.
Get some up and down in those branches.
And thin the second branch out a bit.
It seems to be catching up.

Not that you cant grow a whole nother set this year anyway!

Nice, very nice!

seriously, I can't believe that you got as far as you did in one growing great to see! Man, I love elms
That's some nice growth in one season. Elms are really fun trees to grow--super vigorous, small leaves, and very hearty. I have a little seiju that I'm going to ground plant or transfer to a large pond box to build up some girth before I work on it.

My local bonsai nursery has a nice variety of elms and some beefy seijus in the $100-150 range. I need to grab one of those in the future.
So, time to chop again, although it's getting thin enough up at the top to not really warrant the title "chop" anymore . . .
That makes four in one season if you're counting along at home; here you can see the most recent three from the back:
View attachment 83310
So have you been propping the drops from this ?
Wow thats one growing season..dang they do grow fast

Here is a sampling of things that didn't wake up from dormancy and/or survive their spring repot:

Unfortunately, my favorite little Seiju was among them. I think it stayed WAY too wet over the winter because when I repotted it in the spring a lot of the root ball was mushy :(. It started leafing out weakly and then just stalled . . .

That'll teach me to get attached ;)
I have another one from the same cohort that I've just been letting grow; it might be time to start working that one . . . Seiju Chop 2.0
Hasnt been that hot here yet..actually a little chilly this morning.

Here is a sampling of things that didn't wake up from dormancy and/or survive their spring repot:
View attachment 103670

Unfortunately, my favorite little Seiju was among them. I think it stayed WAY too wet over the winter because when I repotted it in the spring a lot of the root ball was mushy :(. It started leafing out weakly and then just stalled . . .

That'll teach me to get attached ;)
I have another one from the same cohort that I've just been letting grow; it might be time to start working that one . . . Seiju Chop 2.0
Dang sorry Collin..i was enjoying this tree.

Sorry it didn't make it, Colin. Thanks for the update.

It looks like it was a useful learning experience for you... and others since you let us follow along :)
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