Imperial Masterpiece
I think I missed this thread.
Bravo ! Great work.
Air-layerings, cuttings, seedlings, that's what I like.
Pity I missed it last year, I had tons of seedlings, some from cultivars (like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get!), this year very few. But if you're interested, PM me, though there's a 6-months difference between your and our seasons here, since seeds can be kept in the fridge, it shouldn't be a problem.
It's great there's a maple lover in Jo'burg !
PS : tried to explore more, but I don't have an instagram account - and don't want one... Pity, there are trees I would have liked to know more about.
No instagram for old men...
Bravo ! Great work.
Air-layerings, cuttings, seedlings, that's what I like.
Pity I missed it last year, I had tons of seedlings, some from cultivars (like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get!), this year very few. But if you're interested, PM me, though there's a 6-months difference between your and our seasons here, since seeds can be kept in the fridge, it shouldn't be a problem.
It's great there's a maple lover in Jo'burg !
PS : tried to explore more, but I don't have an instagram account - and don't want one... Pity, there are trees I would have liked to know more about.
No instagram for old men...