Scots Pine Mother / Daughter

Thank you. Normally late Winter is when I've read this is done. It struck me strangely this time remembering what Gary said. This week just did minor wire on 2 JBP and major bending/double notch on Lodgepole pine. Seems that in past time havn't paid much attention to time of year but just did when tree wasn't growing and weather was agreeable:eek:.
Minor wire on JBP should be ok, however I am careful to save heavier wiring for movement and change of position of branch or trunk for winter time. Here in the PNW they grow almost all year and my pines frequently have three flushes per year. In developing pines under seven years I tend to do the wiring when the opportunity presents itself. My excuse is they are young enough to overcome man made obstacles!
For trees closer to refinement I always do minor wiring when decandling and cutting back to further encourage back budding. ( typically the beginning of June to the first of July in my location) This however is simply young growth more easily wired and moved. Does require more care to avoid fresh growth and existing buds, active shoots.
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