Will always be a Bok mate. Its written in the bone marrow.
Good for you. Glad to hear that
This years World cup is going to be a Biggie.....!

I have found that once an azalea is in its final sized(or close) container, it really makes a difference to take the buds off at least 2 out of 3 seasons. If at all possible I try to flick the buds off with a finger rather than cut them or use a tweezer. I think that if your soil mixture works well for you, stick with it. You seem to use a lot of non-organics which really helps root development in a Satsuki. I am in the middle of two year test project which will compare azalea growth habits with different soil mixtures. It will interesting to see if it validates what I have learned over the years or maybe I will learn something new.
Mullet. Interesting media you are using. Can you elaborate on your feeding for satsuki please...
I'm telling you how the professionals in Japan do it.
If you want to keep doing what you're doing, fine with me.
Yeah I second that Mike. It will take a few lifetimes I 'm sure...
I'm doing something terribly wrong. Look at this poor soul...I'm almost to ashamed to put up this pics....
View attachment 84905
View attachment 84906
Turface = Bad for everything (tridents seem to do okay in it, but will do better in a better mix)Turface = bad ? In America ?
Or just for azaleas?
No kanuma allowed into NZ Andrew. Only have pumice (LOTS of it) to play with. That's why I'm thinking a higher sulphur fertiliser...?