Here is a pic of my largest pine. This has always been the largest. It was wired in the late fall and is starting to grow strong. This is one of the few that i only trimmed the tap root on initially from my first batch as i was initially worried that most of my seedling cuttings would die (and basically all made it, even the ones i didnt plant in through in the flower beds).
It does have some root issues that i will either need to be later addressed or use in the design. As of this year, when i looked at the nebari i felt i could use in the design.
Also, i just applied my second set of ferts. Feb - 2 teabags per container, 17MAR - 1 additional teabag. In two weeks, i will add another. I think this pine has 4 (not shown in photot) as it didnt get repotted. I repotted the others all throughout the winter and just protected from cold (we had no freezes this yr!!).
November before wiring.
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Ugly roots (now that i see this again, i will probably try and remove next year).
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Wired up and current.
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