I actually like the lower second trunk. What keeps pulling my eye is how straight and tall the jin on the main trunk is. It seems to compete with the apex. If it were mine, I would shorten it some.

But it's your tree and there's no need to decide quickly. It's looking healthy and developing well. Nice work. 👍
Aight. @Colorado I think I’ve got it to a good spot. Just needed to cleanup and detail wire the pads. Should be setup now nicely to fill in as desired. I still really like the 3 trunks and will keep em all for the time being. I’m also including a shot from the “back” for grins. I think it looks pretty cool on that side as well.
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This tree was sporting some serious extension of the tips. Decided to trim those back and re-distribute some energy for an end of the season trim. I also removed that third smallest trunk. Smart move? Still not sure, but what’s done is done! I may even remove that for this rate trunk as well and keep this thing has an elegant single line trunk. The whole thing could use an on wire and partial re-wire as well.
View attachment 452125
This tree was sporting some serious extension of the tips. Decided to trim those back and re-distribute some energy for an end of the season trim. I also removed that third smallest trunk. Smart move? Still not sure, but what’s done is done! I may even remove that for this rate trunk as well and keep this thing has an elegant single line trunk. The whole thing could use an on wire and partial re-wire as well.
Like it!
I think once that new Jin greys out, it will be subtle.
Nice development and design. Have you considered wiring that long tall Jin using a towel soaked in water , wrapping that in foil and using a blow torch to heat it up, then bend the Jin to get some movement, unless you want to keep the Jin straight
I think it was a good move, Danny. It feels much “taller” now and that character branch really has room to shine.

Would be interested to see what that secondary trunk looks like reduced by 30-50% in height before totally removing it.
Nice development and design. Have you considered wiring that long tall Jin using a towel soaked in water , wrapping that in foil and using a blow torch to heat it up, then bend the Jin to get some movement, unless you want to keep the Jin straight
With a short as I cut the jin probably not. I think maybe I’ll carve a little bit of detail into it, very little, but may end up just shortening it some more.
I think it was a good move, Danny. It feels much “taller” now and that character branch really has room to shine.

Would be interested to see what that secondary trunk looks like reduced by 30-50% in height before totally removing it.
Thanks TJ. Yeah I think I’ve got more of an opportunity to wire down those branches some more and create less of a wide profile and keep it tall. That’s an interesting idea you present also I’m shortening that secondary trunk. I will definitely consider that and look a little closer when I get home. Long-term though I still may end up removing the trunk all together.
Thanks TJ. Yeah I think I’ve got more of an opportunity to wire down those branches some more and create less of a wide profile and keep it tall. That’s an interesting idea you present also I’m shortening that secondary trunk. I will definitely consider that and look a little closer when I get home. Long-term though I still may end up removing the trunk all together.

I hear ya. I think it would be really nice as an elegant single trunk line also 👍🏼
I need to start another thread called “house money junipers.” Considering I bought this in the spring of 2020 and it is at where it’s at, truly shows the amount of work that can be done to these if timed properly. Sometimes it may seem a little aggressive, or actually is, but with proper aftercare Junipers can take so much work. Doing this allows me to practice and play with “house money” so to speak, so that when I go to re-pot, style, or do any major work to an expensive tree or yamadori, my eye and practice for all the work has been honed and dialed in. I’d rather kill a cheap nursery juniper than something from the mountains.
I think for a believable image of ancient, you could eventually jin one of the remaining branches (I’d say the
left). Here’s a Sierra Juniper for inspiration:
View attachment 452406
Hey Renny! Yeah I’ll def need to jin some more down the road. Do you mean branch or that second trunk on the right?
I'm looking at this picture. I don't know if this is the front or not, but I would take the top 1/2 of the rt trunk a bit to the rt and put some movement and a little space there between it and the big gin and just stop for awhile and watch and listen. Just my opinion of course.

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