Rainy Today...

Next job I get, I'm taking a road trip through the south to see what's going on in the bonsai world.

Go further down, we went down to GA and took a 568 mile side trip to meet John and his Wife in AL - worth every minute. Also, seeing and having available so many things we don't have in our area is inspiring - serious.

@Johnathan ,

you have to use this much O O in the pot otherwise you will get what we call BUNbottom.

A very little is all that is needed to enhance a meal.
Still have to test in a curry.


Unless you want me to send you a bottle from down here, and my own is a really small bottle [ it might be even more potent ]

Try not tp burn out your taste buds please.
Good Day

* Just kidding with the curry bit, we only use very small amounts of pepper for Gimbo and Chili con carne [ Bun bottom ]
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