Rainy Day Projects....Sifting


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Campbell River BC Canada
So what are your fall/winter projects.???
Btwn falll and spring we get many continuous periods of ☔️ days.....So one has to work inside. With drier days I have a wheelbarrow set-up. Here is my indoor sifting units....the large sifter fits tightly into the tote and if the material is dry it only takes a few shakes.....on bottom of photo is sifted pumice, next tote sifted red lava, blue bucket "raw"lava, yellow bucket - 1/4" lava....silver lid bucket is my seat.

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I sift and mix my soil in 5 gallon buckets as I need it and I prefer to do it in the garage or outside because its dusty and messy.

Winter time I do a lot of reading, and this winter Ill do alot of needle plucking and wiring because I have too many pines :rolleyes:
Repotting starts Jan.2 and continues until February middle.
Lots of other things to do.
I said it before but I still cant get over how proud I am of myself, so I feel like saying it again.:p
I found the ultimate supplier for my pumice. I go on a Saturday and sift the size I want from their stored bin. I fill two 40kg bags of the smaller and two bags med in 1 1/2 hrs. (not so quick when the pumice is wet). No more paying for fines or to big ones.
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Here's one for you Fred,

our 5 mm gravel comes in bags, and goes up and down, 4 and 6/7 mm.
Sand blasting company supply.
So only when we repot and sift the used soil.
We truly get to 5 mm.

Now if we could only get it as spheres.
Good Day
Well, I can't use it for scrubbing the soles of my feet when bathing. I use pumice.:D
Right back at yah.
Ants. [ luv it :eek: ]
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