Pyracantha sources?

Meehans Miniatures stock will have had some training and they ship. Good people with which to do business.
Meehans consists of 2 people that work 24/7, Martha and Hugh.

Ask if they have any and tell them your budget. You can't expect a lot of photos if you are spending a little bit of money. These plants don't thicken with any speed and the dwarfs are slow as molasses so try to start with a bit of a trunk. (I've seen a lot of Red Elfs and another dwarf from Monrovia Nurseries. Very slow but nice if you start with a little size.)

But if she has a very small variety you can create a miniature. (They have some very dwarf varieties of different plants that you never see in the trade.)
One time I saw a Pyracantha growing as a weed on another bonsai, it's still there today.
Here is a couple I managed to scrounge up.

#1 Needs a bit of development but has several possibilities. 1.5 trunk tapers to .7520180121_210308.jpg20180121_210332.jpg20180121_210340.jpg20180121_210345.jpg20180121_210407.jpg20180121_210442.jpg20180121_210631.jpg
Number 2 is a little further along and has a 2" base. Still needs a bunch of work but has some potential.

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