Purpose of the past post. Giant Ficus.

I got a Merry Xmas text today...
From the feller I got this ficus from!


Some documentation.




Please, Opinions.
I fear I may be seeing something that is not there....

I figure if I can get a couple more 1inch branches in a season, I can take some of the straightness out of the trunk....

Some new\ smaller surface rootage with a wider pot?


I may put some ficus straight in the ground next spring.


Your Mame and ficus threads inspired me to do the work.


Wow, I really appreciate that! Might be the first time I've actually inspired anyone with my trees.
I like what you have going, that's a hell of a wound but I like big ugly hollows like that myself. I can't wait to start chopping on my big one, it is just growing like CRAZY right now. Hope to separate the first layer by the end of February but we'll see.

Eventually i see a small(ish) sumo tree in there. Let the upper part grow wild to close wounds and gain strength. Than shop low and start your branches. Ps. No experience with ficus here.
Never cared for ficus until Nigel Saunders flooded youtube with some of his ficus trees this month. Suddenly thinking I might have to attempt my first indoor bonsai. Good looking stuff man. I'd say wait for the wound to heal and see where it buds up before you go picking a front
Can't believe you still have not killed this tree. It must be hating you, cutting all off!
Hey Sorce this is my big ficus chop candidate.....what did you put on the cut right after you chopped it and how did it do. Would you do anything different with your next chop.

Hey Sorce this is my big ficus chop candidate.....what did you put on the cut right after you chopped it and how did it do. Would you do anything different with your next chop.

View attachment 128997

I'm actually learning quite a bit about chops and healing with this one myself.


At about the size of an egged/ovaled sip side of a standard size Styrofoam cup, this is the biggest chop I've ever considered healing.

You can see on the top left the 3/8in callous that begun healing over the previous straight cut.

I owe that fully to the escaped roots.
I wouldn't have been able to grow all that I whacked off the top in fall without roots in the earth.

Strong top, strong bottom, mad sap flow between, mad healing.


I smoothed out all the burrs with the dremel this time, pink stone, blue stone, sandpaper, some cutting head.
220 hand sanded.

The blue stone worked kinda wicked.
I was able to bump it against the callous without much damage, but still smoothing out the wood inside.


This is what I use.
And I am beginning to swear by it.
Seals great, and comes off as easy as old silicone later.
Stays flexible so it gives when it needs to.

Nice vid bro!
I'll be curious on the development on this one

Me too!


I forgot to mention.....
(while the video uploaded)

I am totally going to put this in a....

Wait for it....



Wait for it!

Put it in the ground!

There really is no better way.

Cut them roots back and chop it down for winter..

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