Progression of One of My Bald Cypress

You're right! I'm trying to figure out what grows faster, the Bald Cypress or the Brazilian Rain Tree. Both are requiring near constant attention.
Awesome BC, great progression!
I have one that I'm growing out now!

They are awesome trees and very forgiving. very atypically dominant, so you have to keep the top in check to get the lower limbs to do well. I don't know if you grow yours in water or not, but it really helps. If you look at the progressions that I have posted and check out the roots that they produce you can see that the water works. I seems to be a highly controversial topic here.
If you look at the progressions that I have posted and check out the roots that they produce you can see that the water works. I seems to be a highly controversial topic here.

mhmmm, but works for me too :) Ever notice that when someone posts a picture of one sometimes potted in a pool complete with water lilies NOBODY says a word? I find it amusing we seem to get targeted for argument and nobody else :rolleyes:
For the record, pictures do not do that tree justice - wonderful to stare at in person and thank you for the opportunity!

They are awesome trees and very forgiving. very atypically dominant, so you have to keep the top in check to get the lower limbs to do well. I don't know if you grow yours in water or not, but it really helps. If you look at the progressions that I have posted and check out the roots that they produce you can see that the water works. I seems to be a highly controversial topic here.
I am using a tub of water under it....
I flush it out every day or 2.
It's still in its Walmart nursery bucket and soil.... will repot in spring into a large trainer pot and continue growing it...
I do have low branches now.
I am thinking of cutting the top 25% of the tree off in late winter so the apical branches don't take over...
Thanks for the advice!
Keep up the good work!
I am using a tub of water under it....
I flush it out every day or 2.

You will be happy doing that - for the record do not relocate it but take it out of the tub from late November to early March - as the seasons change in our zones you just need to trust me on that but once again I AM a Water grower of BC ;) John Lee does similar but his season is longer so they get more time in the "pond".

PM me anytime if you want to chat the uber details on the phone :)

2014-2017, hmm, some threads don't remember where I stopped reading, so I checked the pictures from 2014 and, container grown only? Really inspirational progression, thanks for sharing.
You will be happy doing that - for the record do not relocate it but take it out of the tub from late November to early March - as the seasons change in our zones you just need to trust me on that but once again I AM a Water grower of BC ;) John Lee does similar but his season is longer so they get more time in the "pond".

PM me anytime if you want to chat the uber details on the phone :)

Absolutely Grimmy!
Thank you sir!
2014-2017, hmm, some threads don't remember where I stopped reading, so I checked the pictures from 2014 and, container grown only? Really inspirational progression, thanks for sharing.

Yes, it is completely container grown, these trees are a real beast.
mhmmm, but works for me too :) Ever notice that when someone posts a picture of one sometimes potted in a pool complete with water lilies NOBODY says a word? I find it amusing we seem to get targeted for argument and nobody else :rolleyes:
For the record, pictures do not do that tree justice - wonderful to stare at in person and thank you for the opportunity!


I have merely stated that tub submersion for BC is unnecessary and can be counterproductive. I've also stated that BC don't "prefer" to be constantly flooded. They grow in water because they CAN not because they prefer it.

Also, there is a big difference between growing a BC in a pond and growing one in a 15" by 6" tub. Those are very different things. The tub is a shallow, unstable environment for water. It heats up quickly, becomes stagnant quickly and the water is unable to hold much O2. The bigger the body of water, the lesser those concerns...

If you want to look at "non-submerged" BC, do a search on Gary Marchal's BC...
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