Bonsai Nut alumnus... we miss you
I have merely stated that tub submersion for BC is unnecessary and can be counterproductive. I've also stated that BC don't "prefer" to be constantly flooded. They grow in water because they CAN not because they prefer it.
Also, there is a big difference between growing a BC in a pond and growing one in a 15" by 6" tub. Those are very different things. The tub is a shallow, unstable environment for water. It heats up quickly, becomes stagnant quickly and the water is unable to hold much O2. The bigger the body of water, the lesser those concerns...
I am not arguing that it requires far more attention, at least here. I must constantly "flush" the water for one. Also as you mentioned heat buildup here can induce far to early budding in early Spring followed by frost killing the foliage. I have left mine in water for entire Winters if the Spring conditions are normal with no ill effect, just good growth. You must understand I have the time to monitor all of my plants closely and adjust as needed.
I must also add I suggest tub growing with proper maintenance to people BUT advise to take them out of the tub from November to March. I do that because most do not have the time or patience to do as I do...
Is it needed - no, does it work properly controlled - yes
