Perhaps...but in my anecdotal experience there is trade off between submerging the root mass long term in the hopes that your tree will produce knees and with the health and vigor of the tree. There is absolutely no guarantee that a submerged tree will develop knees, and if it does, it is a timeline segmented by decades to get the kind of results shown. If it were easy, you would see many more examples of trees developing knees in containers...and there just aren't that many out there of which I am aware. I am pretty sure I remember John's dad reporting that tree with the really nice knees had been in water for nearly 20 years and that was at least 5-7 years ago that I read that... Do you know John??
One thing I did notice when I was looking into developing knees was that they seem to have a growth spurt in late summer(easy to notice as the old bark splits and new fresh bark is exposed...see John's last photo...which makes me wonder if submerging only for that period of time would be beneficial to knee growth and not detrimental to overall growth?? John...have you ever noted what time of the year your knees grow??
Regardless...I have chosen to opt for healthy vigorous trees and not growing knees. I decided years ago to collect trees with knees and not to worry about trying to grow knees. Now I just need to stop selling all the ones I collect with knees
BTW...John...isn't your father's name John Day?? Maybe I am confused?? if it is, the pics I have seen of his trees are outstanding!!