Imperial Masterpiece
I reached out to Matt Ouwinga and he felt pretty confident that it was a systemic fungal problem. He made the excellent point though that you only get good absorption of a systemic antifungal if you have a healthy, large leaf canopy to draw up the treatment. Essentially, he believes you need to outgrow it by increasing vigor of the tree. Spraying the leaves will not achieve any benefit. He advocated being super diligent water usage and using very dilute fertilizer to try and increase growth.
I agree with Matt. Very difficult to treat by spraying once the fungus enters the soft tissue and very difficult to treat systemically if you don’t have very many leaves. The disease progresses by first infecting the soft growth on the extending shoots. It’s treatable at this stage. It then involves the branch and can eventually infect the vascular tissue of the plant. Much more difficult to treat at this stage. I wrote an article some time ago that you might find useful.
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