Interesting. I was looking at salicaria, green island, and melon seed.
I have never even heard of kinmen.
How are they the best, if you dont mind?
Kinmen is a tigerbark microcarpa with smaller leaves, not as small as Melon Seed, but Melon Seed grows slowly.
Melon Seed is primarily only good for grafting or making Mame and Shohin imo.
they don't like to stay green either...the foliage seems to always want to be slightly yellow.
Green Island (round leaf) can be nice. they can dieback at times as if the tree finds it easier to push a new bud rather than pushing axilary buds in the branch. i think it only happens with weak trees though. the leaf reduces nicely and looks good when it is reduced. the bark is kind of boring, but it has an interesting purple hue to it.
Salicaria has a great leaf shape and responds well to all sorts of abuse.
it's just a super well rounded species in the way that it can be styled in just about any manner.
i think it makes the best single trunked ficus bonsai.
Natalensis grows super quick.
throws roots from everywhere that can be used to fuse to the trunk.
i repotted a Natalensis in 2014, and cut through a root that was about 3" wide, and from the root it sent out about 100 more.
i think you could create that signature Ebihara nebari with this species.
responds too indoor conditions well.
leaves reduce well, smaller than dimes if u stay on top of it.
Davyi 'nana' has a tiny leaf, interesting bark texture and grows fast enough.
not my favorite, but a lot of people like it.