Please Research Your Decisions.

The delta variant is emerging and WHO says everyone needs to wear masks; Los Angeles mandates masks indoors in crowds; Fauci & CDC says existing vaccines work against delta and masks are unnecessary if vaccinated. Which authority is "lying"?

The lie, or falsity better, is there is no "authority".

There was, but with the population growing, along with opinions, it becomes a situation, where.....

The ship is too big to turn around.

I just want to have people I love, including everyone here, on the damn lifeboats when the ship crashes.

I guess you have to really value...ahem...honesty in order to understand.

Consider this conundrum I'm in right now.

A PM about pots, closed to further replies.

On one hand I think it was locked accidentally, since I've accidentally hit "block" buttons.

On one hand, sending another PM to inquire about it could be met with hostility, charges of "harassment". Since it's obvious folks are (wrongfully) rapidly changing their opinions of me.

There is no correct approach.

This is the problem in Micro.

The Macro problem is the same.

One of my biggest realizations lately is the inability of both sides to actually listen to the other perspective, and present arguments that aren't damning to the opposition.

We must remain level headed and peaceful.

Our Freedom works because we understand our hands wash each other, and it takes both sides to clap.

Clapping, joy, only comes from the CENTER.

That must be why they snap their fingers instead if clap!

I dont disagree with the statement about damming the opposition, but all you need to do is step back and look at the big picture.
One side is hungry for truth.
The other side calls you a racist for asking the questions.
Which side is damming the other?
My advice to everyone is to not pick sides based on politics when it comes to medical issues. Ask your doctor.

"But the left said..."
"But the right said..."
blah blah blah

If you get really sick at this point and have not had the vaccine (in the USA at least), then it's your own fault.
I would remind everyone, especially @BrianBay9 that we are now and will be for some time operating by the seat of our pants and the statistics are now not complete, yet. The death rates from the vaccines are much higher than typical, or normal, the total effects on people of getting Wuhan Virus and/or the vaccines long term are unknown, and one accepts these factors as acceptable risk, or not. Accusing someone of lying because they advocate for the other side of the question is at least disingenuous if not intentionally dishonest, which would not be out of character for @BrianBay9.
If you follow the chain back (hard I know) you'll see the lie I am referring to is that ivermectin is an effective treatment for Covid, not the vaccine. I know the two have been conflated in this string. I chastise Sorce for bringing up that lie. He didn't invent it.
If you follow the chain back (hard I know) you'll see the lie I am referring to is that ivermectin is an effective treatment for Covid, not the vaccine. I know the two have been conflated in this string. I chastise Sorce for bringing up that lie. He didn't invent it.
Meta-analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin (average risk ratio 0.38, 95% confidence interval 0.19–0.73; n = 2438; I2 = 49%; moderate-certainty evidence).

Also, several studies showed that hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin used as a prophylaxis and/or early enough by an infected patient reduced ultimate viral load, hospital stays, and deaths. Several stupid studies which only administered the drugs after elderly patients were already on respirators showed no effect. Big surprise!

In an emergency, and this is an emergency, the restrictions on the re-purposing of existing drugs that have long histories of use without problems should be welcome and routine. The FDA et al continue to operate in a business as usual manner as though we have all the time in the world to fool around with doing everything by the book, and apologize later for being too cautious. Their apologies will fall upon dead, not just deaf ears.
And the 10 people who contracted it at my workplace, none have had long lasting health problems. No Blood Clots, no blindness, no amputations, no stroke, no pulmonary/respiratory problems....For a small minority, it seems to cause serious health problems....But I have not had enough people who have contracted it tell me otherwise. If I found my health condition to change such as getting Chrones or some other Auto Immune disease I would probably get the vaccination.
My mother had a serious stroke after contracting covid last Novemeber... she will never, ever be the same... ever. I worked with a 24 year old healthy woman... granted, overweight but not morbidly obese by any means... who spent 3 days on a ventilator last November, and she still can't smell 8 months later. I have a cardiologist friend in her early 50's, active and healthy for her age group, who missed 6 weeks from work due to persistent covid issues. I can't count the number of clients who have either lost a family member or had a loved one hospitalized in ICU.
Fwiw, my mom, my cardiologist friend, and the young women who went on the vent have all been vaccinated since and are now trying to get back to the lives they have left.

Ultimately, everyone's chickens will come home to roost.

I'm saddened by conversations like this. To think that we're almost a quarter way through the 21st century and we're actually arguing about this boggles my mind. Facebook was an absolute shit show last year with all the misinformation flying around... the nut house seemed to be immune, kinda... :confused:
I have a co-worker and his wife that both got it. He had lingering issues for months (breathing issues, easily exhausted doing simple things}
We know someone else that got it and is now dead.
I feel very fortunate that it didnt get closer to us than that.

Ivermectin is HORSE dewormer...... It is not and has never been approved for human use....ever
People are eating this stuff and ending up in the hospital very very sick.

The goddamned vaccine has at least been tested on humans and is approved for use in humans....yes its an emergency approval but at least it is approved and has been tested.

This is the equivalent of the dumbasses drinking Clorox thinking it would prevent COVID. BTW at least one person died doing that.
Hydroxychloroquine has been debunked as an effective treatment/prophylactic months ago

I will take medical advice from my doctor, a licensed physician and other medical experts who have had years of medical school and keep up on the latest medical knowledge, not someone on a bonsai forum touting BULLSHIT indeed
JAMA Report on the effects on kids wearing masks.
"...Most of the complaints reported by children(3) can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.

This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review(6) concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks.
That must be why they snap their fingers instead if clap!

I dont disagree with the statement about damming the opposition, but all you need to do is step back and look at the big picture.
One side is hungry for truth.
The other side calls you a racist for asking the questions.
Which side is damming the other?

My Large realization of the ability of one side to LISTEN, which is necessary for change, is that Blues Player who converts White Supremacists.

Try that with these "other" stupid freaks...
It can't happen.

These new outliers are a large group though.

Not hard to smash em though, if they don't kill themselves first.

Ivermectin is HORSE dewormer...... It is not and has never been approved for human use....ever

Sigh. Ivermectin has been used in humans for 30 years to combat a variety of parasitic infections. It's especially well known for saving millions in Africa from river blindness. And it's considered an essential medication by the WHO.

Now, it has not been approved for use in covid but all the evidence I've seen is pretty compelling. True, there is no multi-center 10,000 person randomized control trial. But, there are dozens of smaller studies (some RCTs) from around the world and the vast majority show it to be extremely effective against covid. Someone posted one of the meta-analysis studies a few posts back. Take a look.

Also, the doctors who are at the forefront of promoting the use of ivermectin are not a bunch of backwater hicks looking to make a name for themselves. Look up Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik. They've been treating patients for decades, are widely respected and have published countless peer reviewed articles on various aspects of critical care medicine. One of them (Marik I think) authored a widely used critical care textbook. Both were among the first to recognize the importance of using high dose steroids for patients who progress to the pulmonary phase of covid (low oxygen, breathing difficulties). This was later proven to be the correct treatment by the British Recovery trial.

As a scientist I have to say I'm quite appalled by what I'm seeing these days. From fraudulent papers being published, to poorly designed studies (such as the HCQ study where patients were not only treated too late, but with doses that were way above recommended/safe levels) to editors pulling articles from publication even after they've passed peer review, to the overbearing censorship of medical professionals on all social media platforms. Medical professionals cannot even mention ivermectin without risk of being deplatformed or demonetized or having their accounts locked.

Personally, I've got a couple of tubes of "horse paste" and will not hesitate to use it if I get covid, unless I can find a doctor to prescribe ivermectin. I'm not going to be one of the "go home and come back when you turn blue" crowd if I can avoid it.

As for vaccines, that's a whole other topic but I cannot fault anyone for being hesitant to get one of the mRNA shots. I'm in that camp...still waiting and watching. This technology has never been used in humans before and while the shots appear to be pretty safe in the short term (maybe, though there are a LOT of severe adverse reactions reported on the VAERS system), no one knows if there will be unexpected side effects down the road. Medical history is full of drugs that appeared to be safe but turned out not to be (vioxx, thalidomide come to mind). If I were young (under 30) or had covid already I would not even be considering getting a vaccine right now. If I was older/sicker I'd get a shot. At my age (59) and with no's not such a simple decision. I have to say, though, that I'm leaning toward getting the first pfizer shot in the next week or two.

Anyway...nice to see you all again.
@coh people are putting horse paste on crackers and eating it and ending up in the hospital from it so I'd think twice about eating horse dewormer
@coh people are putting horse paste on crackers and eating it and ending up in the hospital from it so I'd think twice about eating horse dewormer
I don't know anything about Ivermectin, so I'm neither and advocate nor an opponent. But I think there is an improper use of the English language here, "horse paste on crackers", et al. Many of us are old enough to remember children receiving the Sabin oral vaccine via a sugar cube, so the cracker has got to be a lot more logical, warm & fuzzy than say, a big needle between the toes to inject heroine. I also don't know anything about horse medicines, but I'd be willing to bet that they are all used on other mammals, especially humans, the only difference being size of dose. Searching for a remedy by re-purposing existing drugs with benign histories during an emergency seems to me to be the first order of business. That's easy and cheap and you can get lucky, and especially when contrasted with the other option of starting from scratch developing a whole new remedy. So that leaves the argument here above to be spurious as it couches a poor argument in a choice of words intended to belittle, rather than presenting evidence of one sort or another supporting another view.
@coh people are putting horse paste on crackers and eating it and ending up in the hospital from it so I'd think twice about eating horse dewormer

Thanks for your concern. I've done my research, know how to dose it and also know people who've used the horse paste (which is sold as a dewormer but is the same ivermectin that is prescribed for humans) both prophylactically (for weeks or months) as well as for acute illness. I'm not recommending anyone do this (heaven forbid), people should do their own research and make their own decisions based on all of the information, not just what they are fed by cnn, cdc, etc.
I received my second PM thanking me (maybe not thanking, but in support of) for this information today. None yet from opposition.

Proves that anyone going against, just do it out in public for the real "attention seeking", needing that "tribe" backing.

I have no tribe but the entire Human Race.

I will stand, and win, alone, or with support, for the Human Race.

Don't forget that when we go alien we're grey.

And that all this Critical Race Theory just fucks up mixed kids even more than before.

Half Lives Matter? Or...?


Love is Love.

Could be as simple as too many carbs or salt in combination with the drug.

Considering Mexico is more corn based, and Africa is more Bushmeat based....

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