Plants have consciousness....

Bit of an arrogant and naive comment to make.
You are not the only one with a doctorate on this forum, but certainly the only to flaunt it around. On this forum there are several people with doctorates in the biological sciences and/or sufficient work experience in these domains to make them equally qualified.

By the way. I have been trying to prove plant signalling actually takes place. We have tried in many different ways to trigger plant responses by harassing other plants. Never been able to do so. Which makes sense, as the pathways in plants are slow, much slower than what animals can do. On top of this, Signalling and picking up on signals does not per se mean consciousness.

If there was a pathway known to work, it would be in way more than a singular paper or video. It would be a nobel price level discovery.
I actually find that a fair number of bonsai folk have advanced degrees (whether that is truly being “well-educated,” my initial phrasing, or not is a topic for debate I suppose). A fair number don’t as well of course. Not sure it correlates with quality of bonsai, but I do think it correlates with desire to perform controlled testing of growth/developmental techniques.
Is snickering between themselves at night "consciousness?"
My trees seem to get some perverse satisfaction from my attitude when REPOT time :mad: rolls around.
Do these phytoconsiuosness studies give any suggestion on DIY homegrown apparatus to detect reactions and help us to learn our plants wishes?
I believe the layman summary was the researchers put a mushroom in a robot and it ‘learned’ to walk.
Not really. What they did is use a photosensitive fungus in a robot. Then light up the fungus to generate an electrical current or charge and use this in the robot control system. Effectively, using the fungus as a sort of photosensitive cell. Has nothing to do with consciousness. Responding to the environment does not equate conscious action.
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