Plants have consciousness....

I'm to am surprised this thread came this far.
Final word from me. Consciousness is rising again...slow but steady as everything does. Its part of the creation cycle.
It definitely won't be in this lifetime, but there will come a time in our future lifetimes that all of us will again know our connecting with the all....😉
If I ever go for surgery, I hope the anesthesiologist has a bloody definition of consciousness! Watch it go, see it return.
Let me just drop something here. This is a box from a publication I wrote a few decades ago. I actually find contradictory results in the same study. Which is the beauty of science. Both conclusions can exist at the same time. That is the point at which you verify methods and conclusions and you try to find out the difference between the two studies, in order to further understand the complexity.

It is the search for truth, not the absolute truth that make science science.


I think I’m likely to be the only one participating in this thread who has personally published peer reviewed research (my doctorate is in the social sciences) so I’m not sure what you mean by “actual research,” if you’re suggesting that I don’t know what “actual research” is.
Bit of an arrogant and naive comment to make.
You are not the only one with a doctorate on this forum, but certainly the only to flaunt it around. On this forum there are several people with doctorates in the biological sciences and/or sufficient work experience in these domains to make them equally qualified.

By the way. I have been trying to prove plant signalling actually takes place. We have tried in many different ways to trigger plant responses by harassing other plants. Never been able to do so. Which makes sense, as the pathways in plants are slow, much slower than what animals can do. On top of this, Signalling and picking up on signals does not per se mean consciousness.

If there was a pathway known to work, it would be in way more than a singular paper or video. It would be a nobel price level discovery.
By the way. I have been trying to prove plant signalling actually takes place
I'm assuming you've heard of oak wilt.
It's quite bad around here.
We're noticing that as the disease progresses through tracts of red oak that the ones outside of affected areas are pushing dormant buds along the trunks.
Being loggers we aren't sure if these trees are just in the beginning stage of the disease and trying to give one last gasp or if it's in preparation for the disease.
It isn't working from what we're seeing though. We're cutting down dying or dead oaks everywhere up here but it isn't helping. It's being widely accepted that we're losing all red oaks in the area.
Bit of an arrogant and naive comment to make.
You are not the only one with a doctorate on this forum, but certainly the only to flaunt it around. On this forum there are several people with doctorates in the biological sciences and/or sufficient work experience in these domains to make them equally qualified.

By the way. I have been trying to prove plant signalling actually takes place. We have tried in many different ways to trigger plant responses by harassing other plants. Never been able to do so. Which makes sense, as the pathways in plants are slow, much slower than what animals can do. On top of this, Signalling and picking up on signals does not per se mean consciousness.

If there was a pathway known to work, it would be in way more than a singular paper or video. It would be a nobel price level discovery.
Right? What a wild claim to make.
And then this happens:

Sensorimotor control of robots mediated by electrophysiological measurements of fungal mycelia​

I believe the layman summary was the researchers put a mushroom in a robot and it ‘learned’ to walk.

*Disclaimer-I have no expertise in this area, so I didn’t even read the paper 😁.
So, yes, this is kind of a troll post, but these ‘fringe’ threads are always interesting (and it appears others get engaged as well, always lots of posts in these threads).

Plus, one can’t help but consider the sci-fi potential of our mushroom robot overlords!

(I hope those with bigger brains will correct everything I got wrong - while this post was just in jest, I truly enjoy learning from those of you with actual knowledge!)
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And then this happens:

Sensorimotor control of robots mediated by electrophysiological measurements of fungal mycelia​

I believe the layman summary was the researchers put a mushroom in a robot and it ‘learned’ to walk.

*Disclaimer-I have no expertise in this area, so I didn’t even read the paper 😁.
So, yes, this is kind of a troll post, but these ‘fringe’ threads are always interesting (and it appears others get engaged as well, always lots of posts in these threads).

Plus, one can’t help but consider the sci-fi potential of our mushroom robot overlords!

(I hope those with bigger brains will correct everything I got wrong - while this post was just in jest, I truly enjoy learning from those of you with actual knowledge!)
I, for one, welcome our new mushroom overlords.
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