Pinus Strobus Clump (EWP)


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Toronto, Ontario
Hello fellow nuts!

A couple of weeks ago at the cottage in northern Ontario, I noticed a neighbour had a 5 gallon pail with a white pine growing out of it, and ended up being sent back home with it.

It turns out that it wasn’t just one tree, and we suspect it was originally a pine cone buried by a squirrel 7-8 years ago.


Now, I’ve searched the forums, so I’ve done my mandatory reading about how it’s “not suitable for bonsai” blah blah blah, I hear you, but I just wanna have a good time with this tree. I love the species (probably because I haven’t worked on it as a bonsai yet) and that’s enough motivation for me to keep going with it. I have a mugo, a spruce, a cedar, and I’ll soon have a larch (plan on collecting from up north too) so I will have more appropriate species for bonsai.

I am looking for some advice as to whether I should try to separate the roots, or leave them as a clump, considering they’re probably intertwined or partially merged in the pine cone that was buried.

It’s getting late in the summer here in Toronto, so I may hold off on the repot, but I’m curious as to what others would do in my shoes. Repot, or leave it? Separate, or grow as a clump?
If you want a single trunk EWP, there are plenty of those around

This is a great point! I was mostly tempted by one thick one in the back, but you’re right, there are plenty of solos.

I’ve heard that EWPs can take some root work without an issue, but I’m not sure about pruning the branches this year. I reckon it’s two late to hope for a second flush.
Agree to cone clump. Foliage, growth looks as if has not had much good Sunlight. Suggest once well established/growing in new container to put in much better Sun exposure☺️.
I would get movement into the trunks, while theyre young. unless you want them to remain straight.
Yeah, they’re nice and whippy right now so I think it’s a good time for a bit more movement.

Agree to cone clump. Foliage, growth looks as if has not had much good Sunlight. Suggest once well established/growing in new container to put in much better Sun exposure☺️.
That’s probably correct! They were surrounded by other 100’ tall white pines, so I think you’re probably correct. They’ll be getting quite a bit more sun now.

Based on the other forums on bnut, I had come to the understanding that a good growing medium and proper sun would result in lots of long needles for EWP, but in a medium like clay or sand the size of the needles reduces.

Can I expect next year’s flush to be smaller with more sunlight?
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Can I expect next year’s flush to be smaller with more sunlight?

But, one can decandle p. strobus in the same fashion as JBP/JRP, but you'll need to experiment to figure out when (in or around May) works in your locale. Say decandle a few sites in early May, a few more a couple of weeks later, and a few more ... , then note which gives you the needle lengths you desire = voila! You just need to flick off the candle or cut it keeping a bit of green at the base.
Yes I am getting a second flush on mine for the second year after cutting candles May 17th
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