Better to fight the power than the tree.
@BobbyLane bringing up classics!
If you haven't learned something from Nigel, or Herons, or ChasX, you haven't learned enough.
I think it's important to remember that anyone is going to assume a tree, your tree, has been cared for as theirs have, which can lead to great advice being timed poorly, thereby rendering said good advice confusing. See the path paved with good intentions and where it leads.
All advice is good, You must be responsible for your own timing. Patience.
All advice must be applied only in rhythm with the tree.
The rhythm of the tree that so few of us are at one with because we cut them so much, shelter them so confusingly, fertilize them to our schedule, they rarely display their rhythm.
As soon as we "input", it creates a scenario where there must be a question, "what did that do?", that opens up the scenario to the question, "could that have caused this?".
Then for every other "input" the question must be asked, "how does input A relate to input B?".
Down this path, where we end up with about 3-5 inputs to question, we find ourselves asking ridiculous and unanswerable questions because we've operated so far out of the tree's rhythm.
So any Newb question about horticulture woes, can be appropriately answered with, "you are working outside the tree's rhythm."
The question they must ask themselves then is, "how many layers outside the rhythm am I working?"
As advice givers, we should probe to find this out rather than give well meaning advice that may sour. This advice also adds another layer outside of rhythm. Do less. Do less.
I believe there is one right way to do everything, I believe we are directly connected to the Earth and have every capability to become one with it and see that way.
To eat, we should be encouraged to plant a seed, allow the plant to remove Carbon from the atmosphere using the energy of the sun, then eat the plant. A safe small energy rhythm.
Instead we drive to work, which endangers life and adds carbon, then drive to the grocery store, where more carbon was added and more life threatened trucking food, wrapped in turtle killing plastic and tree wasting cardboard, which was also processed with great energy, drive home, and throw out a bunch of packaging which needs to be picked up via the use of more energy.
Just to eat the same fucking plant.
Save the Climate though!
Liars, Demons.
There shouldn't be rules beyond the 10 Commandments, we were given the gift to know everything else.
Any other rules are just there to enslave another human, we're ok with it because it's so many layers away from the Truth.
To change the path of the ship, we must first admit the sail is too tattered.
Butter up the Rutter.