From the second photo, use the left branch as the future top. The one on the right you want to grow out as a sacrifice branch; slowly reduce it over a couple of years starting closest to the trunk so that it doesn't shade out any usable branches in the mean time.
Oh and make sure you keep it outside and healthy.
I bought it because the guy in the shop told me it had potential, i guess i was fooled by ignorance. So what i understand its that this tree doesn't have any branches that i can work with at the moment, and that i need to let it grow to have something to work with, right?
I bought it because the guy in the shop told me it had potential, i guess i was fooled by ignorance. So what i understand its that this tree doesn't have any branches that i can work with at the moment, and that i need to let it grow to have something to work with, right?
Forks don't cause much reverse taper that can't be corrected come sacrifice time. I'm not saying grow it out huge or anything, but remove slowly so that the extra green can aid in the development for a while and let the new leader gain some more momentum.