Dang, don't even kid about going there. To stoop so low as to confuse an issue with the truth. Shame on you Source. You know durn well no matter how much truth you throw in the pot, many will refuse to accept it."reading forums 101"
Re. This thread --- pumice, pumice, and more (uhhh, yup, you guessed it) pumice. Wull, that's what I'm using now anyway, because when I researched it, it tended to be a majorly used soil stuff to a great degree. Besides, it's available for reasonable here, and the water we've had pouring from the sky these last few months, (and ever since I started using pumice) has been enough to water my trees which are still alive by the way so pumice must be the way to go!!! Was gonna water yesterday because it hadn't rained for two days, but it actually began raining before I got any watering done. (praise de' Lowd)
Re. the substance/soil mix, maybe what is being done is how it should be. What I'm translating out of my readings is this person and that person and those other peoples, (whether they be good bonsaists, poor bonsaists, masters, hobbyists, ho-hummers....) they all seem to work it out for themselves, in their specific climate, for the specific specie(s) they have. Too bad there isn't just a bonsai soil that simply works!!!
Th-th-th-that's my story and I'm uhhh, ssssst-stick'en to it. Durn it, where's the tongue in cheek icon???