My Story and a Juniper

I would like to see those lower branches pulled down even lower with some guy-wires.
Once I get the trunk issues resolved I can further refine this tree. I haven't planned to pull down the lower branches but that may be a good idea. The guy wires would just be in the way if I installed they now. I also think a couple of well placed jins would look good but I'm going to take my time and get second opinions before installing them.
Well, Craig Boy--- I hope you're still checking the site. Tom, you and the twins and I went on many a dig together. When did your Dad pass on?? How about your Mom and Sisters?? I'm still doing bonsai like a maniac in the Albuquerque Bonsai Club--- check our website and facebook. I'm so glad to see you getting interested in bonsai.
Give my love to the Familia.
John Egert
Socorro, NM
Well, Craig Boy--- I hope you're still checking the site. Tom, you and the twins and I went on many a dig together. When did your Dad pass on?? How about your Mom and Sisters?? I'm still doing bonsai like a maniac in the Albuquerque Bonsai Club--- check our website and facebook. I'm so glad to see you getting interested in bonsai.
Give my love to the Familia.
John Egert
Socorro, NM

Wow, what a surprise to hear from you and glad to hear you are still doing Bonsai. Mom and sisters are doing well. My dad passed 8 years ago which is when I got into bonsai. Too bad I didn't get into it sooner and get to learn from dad but its just one of those things you don't think about at the time. I hope all is well with your family and let me know if you are ever in town.
Man, does THAT photo bring back memories!!! When your dad found out that "bonsai" was already taken, he came up with "4bonsai", which nobody had thought of yet. He also got a plate "4Saikei" for Melba Tucker to put on her big gray Caddie..... You're working in a rapidly diminishing tradition now, Kiddo.... Kay and Khan Komai both gone, Harry Hirao gone, John Naka gone, Melba gone--- so many of our old friends. Great to see Jim Barrett keeping active, and Lindsay Shiba riding strict herd on the wayward Baikoen gang. I have a son 28 yrs old ( Jesus!!) who's interested but, like you did, has bigger fish to swim with.
For the Forumites who can tolerate a little sentimentality, Thomas22's dad was one of the best demonstrators in L.A. during the 70's. He was fast and artistically very sound. He was also an extreme Man-of-Action. I liked to sit and think about stuff for a few hours before beginning work on trees--- he wanted to get with the work immediately. That was one reason Harry and he hit it off so perfectly, and became really close. It's always the complaint of the useless old geezer that so much history is being lost, but I'll make it anyway. We had a hell of a lot of fun in "them good old days"
Man, does THAT photo bring back memories!!! When your dad found out that "bonsai" was already taken, he came up with "4bonsai", which nobody had thought of yet. He also got a plate "4Saikei" for Melba Tucker to put on her big gray Caddie..... You're working in a rapidly diminishing tradition now, Kiddo.... Kay and Khan Komai both gone, Harry Hirao gone, John Naka gone, Melba gone--- so many of our old friends. Great to see Jim Barrett keeping active, and Lindsay Shiba riding strict herd on the wayward Baikoen gang. I have a son 28 yrs old ( Jesus!!) who's interested but, like you did, has bigger fish to swim with.
For the Forumites who can tolerate a little sentimentality, Thomas22's dad was one of the best demonstrators in L.A. during the 70's. He was fast and artistically very sound. He was also an extreme Man-of-Action. I liked to sit and think about stuff for a few hours before beginning work on trees--- he wanted to get with the work immediately. That was one reason Harry and he hit it off so perfectly, and became really close. It's always the complaint of the useless old geezer that so much history is being lost, but I'll make it anyway. We had a hell of a lot of fun in "them good old days"

Thanks for the kind words about dad. I remember all those names especially Khan, Harry and Melba. I also remember him doing many demonstrations but he wasn't much of a public speaker so didn't you did the commentating on several of his demonstrations? The Disneyland demonstrations were my favorite because we got to go and spend the day there.
As you probably know his bonsai took a back seat to boating for a good while there and he was just starting to get back into it before he passed. It was good catching up.
Mauro is awesome. I've seen several of his demonstrations on the internet. I will consider it.

Mauro Stemberger is coming to southern CA starting March 26th. If you were serious about taking this tree to the next level, I'd contact Mauro on FB.

Good luck

Nice call carobone. I contacted Mauro last night and he responded today and he and his agent came over my house just a little while ago. He was awesome and he really liked the tree. He gave me some care tips and said we will see if the tree is ready for a first styling towards the end of the year when he comes back. He also gave me a brief idea of where he would like to take the tree and it was not even close to what I was thinking but of course he is right. He wants to bend a thick branch that made me shudder a bit. I have never had anyone ever work on any of my trees but I think this tree deserves it.
@thomas22 @johnegert !

Awesome stories!

This is "American Bonsai", for whoever is cataloging that history!

Too cool that you guys are continuing to write it!

@aml1014 @abqjoe don't know if you all have met.....

But there is talent and consideration for the SW pages in these guys!

My list of coolest things I've read here now go,
This history.

Thanks for sharing!

I know know big @johnegert lol I love giving him crap about his old school style:p and he hates that I won't let him touch my trees;)

@thomas22 Was this tree ever styled by Mauro? Maybe in another thread?
@thomas22 Was this tree ever styled by Mauro? Maybe in another thread?
Is it so hard to post the picture of a tree you are commenting about with the words; Was this tree? I find it annoying to have to go looking for something someone is talking about. I have enough trouble keeping up with my own crap.
@thomas22 Was this tree ever styled by Mauro? Maybe in another thread?
No he never did. He wanted to style and buy the tree but not in that order. I do have another thread on this tree. See here.
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