My new, cheap, azalea “bonsai”

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South sound
So, I’d like to introduce my new azalea. I’m not much of an azalea person, but it was cheap form a garage sale. It was probably more compact at one point. Previous owner had health issues for a few years then passed in 2020 and I got the tree from her daughter. I was told it has small yellow flowers. Soil looks like potting soil with lava, pumice, crushed granite and sand. I figure repot when appropriate, get nice and healthy, prune last.
Are the flower buds supposed to be there right now? I have one other azalea but it’s just decorative on the porch and it isn’t all budded up like this one.
Yes, dwarf rhody.

Be careful with the exposed roots. Likely, it is good on this one as they have already matured a lot while developing new roots lower down. But it is sometimes an issue, especially in dry summers.
Yes, dwarf rhody.

Be careful with the exposed roots. Likely, it is good on this one as they have already matured a lot while developing new roots lower down. But it is sometimes an issue, especially in dry summers.
Do you think I should pot it a little deeper so they aren’t so exposed?
Dwarf rhodies can make decent bonsai. I have a couple myself.

The roots should be buried though. No need to repot at this time, just build up the media around around the nebari with a mix of soaked chopped Sphagnum and media.

Here’s a photo of of using a “yogurt ring”. Any container, cottage cheese etc, will work. Check out the steps on post 36 of this thread. Additionally you should lightly scratch the sides of the roots and pack these with Sphagnum while doing this operation to spur growth of new roots.

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Try to get rid of that star weed in the pot before it spreads. Very invasive once established but assuming this is the only pot you have you have a chance to contain it before it gets out of hand.
You can make extreme neagari with azaleas, so I assume the same is true for dwarf rhododendrons. However, there is some horticultural risk in trying to do so to a tree who hasn't let learn to adjust to it.
I do often see people pot azaleas with too much of the nebari above the soil too soon.
And that makes it harder for the roots to stay happy. Eventually, the top of the roots can definitely harden off and become very resiliant, forming exposed nebari or neagari. As long as there are strong fine roots way further down. You'd still bury part of the neagari to help keep the fine roots cool and covered up with at least some medium.
Try to get rid of that star weed in the pot before it spreads. Very invasive once established but assuming this is the only pot you have you have a chance to contain it before it gets out of hand.
Ummmm, it’s out of hand. Lol
Ok, I thought it was something like that.

So, it was all only half lies.
It's cool, man. You've voted based on less accurate information.
But this plant only cost me 12 bucks and I really only bought it for the pot. Lol
Elected douche waffles cost me way more than that. Lol
The good news is that pretty much everything you read about azalea care will apply to your rhododendron. From the photos the trunk looks pretty nice, with lots of potential—no bulges or taper issues and interesting motion. It looks like you could reduce the size considerably and end up with a nice shohin.
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