Thanks,Judy.I don't know what variety it is.In the other photo on the website I don't see any graft or anything.Maybe a cutting or maybe a seedling.Nice tree, real potential there. What is the variety? I hope it's chi chi, mine is not and the leaves refuse to reduce.
Thanks,Stan.I really will enjoy the tree for what it is.I admire the few huge specimens that are growing around my area.They seem great for Autumn color too.I seriously almost bought that last week, but didn't trust summer-time shipping down south. Looks to have great potential. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks,Joe.The tree just gives me a sense of freedom with the large leaves and all.I am really not expecting any reduction in leaf size.Very nice mother daughter style tree; you dont see them often.
Those leaves are quite large, do ya think they will reduce well or not? I have never worked with ginko in fact I have only seen them in towns but I like the leaf shape.
Seems defoliation is not totally out of the question for Gingko.Thanks,Joe.The tree just gives me a sense of freedom with the large leaves and all.I am really not expecting any reduction in leaf size.
I am very fond of the trunk style also.
I guess a Gingko is just a Gingko.I think that is why I wanted one.
Thanks,amcoffeeI enjoy looking at this species very much. It is lovely just as it is. Nice purchase.
Yup!that is what made me purchase itI like this tree, ginkgo are their own deal. Don't feel like it has to be like any other tree, ginkgo make me happy just being what they are. Here is my silly ginkgo...
View attachment 78379
Yea,actually just went out to really look at my Gingko,and the leaves are actually pretty controlled.Seems defoliation is not totally out of the question for Gingko.
Right now I imagine I would only want to proceed with defoliation to control internode length and produce more buds on the tree.
I need to see this tree grow and fertilize very well before I proceed.
But,anyway here is a link.
Maybe internode length is not a problem with Gingko,like it is with say.....a Zelkova.
And so now I am a Gingko grower.Yes, you'll see a few mutant big ones. Mine seem to grow some big branches with big leaves and big internodes, and smaller branches with smaller leaves and internodes.