Good tree! Is it chi-chi? It appears to aerials dropping off those bottom branches.Yes, you'll see a few mutant big ones. Mine seem to grow some big branches with big leaves and big internodes, and smaller branches with smaller leaves and internodes.
Not to be overly critical, but what are you trying to accomplish with your wiring? It seems very loose and doesn't appear from these pictures to be contributing to any branch or trunk movement. I know pictures don't always capture the 3D reality of bonsai, perhaps you can comment on your intentions/direction with this one.
It's a great one. I posted a link in one of the fall color threads.
I recently started some ginko seeds! I took one to Louisiana for my grandfather (and the stress most likely killed it already... and now I know not to do that)... I have another three that are growing right now on the kitchen counter, hopefully more pop up, a few seeds still look healthy, they just aren't making their entrance. I can't wait to get to the point of training with these... And getting that fantastic fall color!
Yeah, they are currently inside the house, especially since we just had snow... I don't plan on starting to train them for a little while yet. But the idea's I have right now for them won't stop I'm glad I have access to seed every year.You might have to wait a week or two.