I see newbies and people that have a little bonsai experience already buy those little S curve Chinese elms for 35 to 55 bucks and higher. In about 8 to 10 years, they will have a larger S curve Chinese elm. I'm sure I will have people disagree with me and that's a good thing, because we want to stimulate bonsai conversation, so speak up. IMHO everyone should have a Juniper in their collection, especailly a Green Mound or Procumbens Nana, whichever you prefer. They will grow almost anywhere, they are tougher than nails, just keep the spider mites off them. They are like a bad haircut, give them a while and they will grow back. They are inexpensive and like the one below, can become a near finished with one styling. The one below is like I bought it, it has NOT BEEN STYLED. All I've done since I bought is water and fertilized it. You can't see real well from my picture, but it's a double trunk. Would you rather have five 25 buck trees or a bonsai for 125.
keep it green,