So with coast live oak are you letting it recover in a greenhouse or plastic bag to keep humidity high to keep the new foliage from drying out while it develops roots? What kind od care do you give it during potting up and afterwards? I'm really curious to know.
Here's the process I use. Wait until after the first significant rains in winter. Dig down to find the first set of radial roots coming off the tap root. Cut the tap root just below the first feeder roots and take as much of the feeder roots as possible. But, you don't need any, really, for success.
After collection, COMPLETELY defoliate. Pot in 100% pumice. Keep moist. Some collectors I know bag them at this point, but I don't. New leaves pop in spring. Do no additional pruning or styling for a year. Next spring if the growth is strong you can start primary styling but no repotting or root pruning until year two. You can probably get three, sometimes four rounds of top growth per year.
Using these methods I currently have 90% survival.