Now, according to ‘Psychology Today’ creativity cannot be taught.
In 2011 they wrote, you can teach everyone how to use a hammer or knitting needles.
But knowing how to use a hammer or a knitting needle doesn’t make you creative. Visualizing, dimensionally manipulating or modeling the chairs you build in your mind’s eye won’t necessarily make you creative either. Whether material or mental, these tools just provide the techniques and materials that make creative outcomes possible.
Creativity is a large part of taking your trees to the next level or producing good bonsai.
Ryan recently said on one of his streams, creativity cannot be taught.
it can be 'learnt' though.
theres a reason why we still see folks after 15 to 30 years in the game not being able to construct an image from a virtual, a drawing or a tree they saw in the landscape. they just go through the motions a clip here and a clip there. but the tree still looks like how it was purchase many years ago. having a teacher wont make them more creative.