I received the tool from Marco a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful design, I've got to tell you...
Anyway, I have a lot of trees in training pots, as well as in bonsai pots, that needs a serious haircut, this time of the year. So, I started using it, and as time goes by, I am using it more and more, every day.
The best thing I like about it, is that it makes it so easy to reach inside the crown of the tree, or work between the foliage pads. You don't need to disturb the branches that stay in your way. No need to contort your body into various positions, to find the best angle for pruning. So, the tool has a very smart design. My hats off to Marco, for making our work so much easier. I can sit in front of the tree in a relaxed and natural position, and work on the most difficult parts with the least difficulty.
I am quickly getting addicted to it.
Time will tell how durable the tool is, I should not comment on that, since I am a new user.
I have one wish though. This is not a shortcoming of the tool, but rather a suggestion: I wish that the tool was made in two sizes. The current size, and a larger size, as well. The reason for a larger size is to be able to cut larger branches. If that size was available, then I would use the tool even more. As it is right now, there is a point where I need to put it down, and get a larger shear, just because branches at a certain size become difficult to cut. But I don't know ho much more would that add to the cost of manufacturing, so I don't know whether or not that size is economical to make.
For instance, I know that the spherical cutter has a size limit because it is very difficult to manufacture a larger size. I don't know if this would be the case with Ichiban as well.
My recommendation is that this tool is very useful for those bonsaists who have a number of trees that are already highly developed, or finished. If that is the case, this tool will be very valuable to you, because of its versatility and ease of use. On the other hand, if your trees are still in the early stages of development, and most of your work is to develop trunks and cut large branches, then the tool is not something that you will miss.
I am very glad that I own it, and I would not return it even if Marco offered me $450 for it.
(P.S.: I love the box as well, and very proud to have Mr. Masakuni's signature on it)
Thanks, Marco!