Mame pots on a mini pottery wheel

Nice!!!! A smooth. stable shape.. not often seen. I think I love it...

If glazing, please consider the thought of glazing "bottom
heavy".. Just the simple pretext, "Darker towards the bottom"

...that's how my eyes glazed it. 🤪

Ehhh ... I'm a schmuck..
The pot didn't tell me what to glaze it yet, maybe after the bisque firing.
@Pitoon please brace for stupid beginner question….you mentioned that after it dries you do some detail work. If you wouldn’t mind educating a newbie, what work are you doing once the pot is dry?
@Pitoon please brace for stupid beginner question….you mentioned that after it dries you do some detail work. If you wouldn’t mind educating a newbie, what work are you doing once the pot is dry?
Not a stupid question at all! I just have my process of making my what works for me. I turn my pot on the mini wheel and then let it dry over night on the wheel. By the next day the pot is usually dry. As they dry they shrink and pop off the wheel head themselves. I then either put them aside or put them back into the damp box to rehydrate them. They sit there waiting to be detailed in any case. The detail work I perform is making and attaching the feet, cleaning and smoothing any seams, adding the drainage hole, escape, and chop. I try my best to make sure everything is as symmetrical as possible. Sometimes it takes a while to make the feet look the same or putting them into the correct position. Sometimes I make a drainage hole or add my chop and I don't like the position and fill everything back up to re do it again.

It's the OCD in me I guess. You can just turn a pot on the wheel make a drainage hole on the bottom and run it through the kiln, glaze it, run it through the kiln again and call it a day. But for me I look at my pots each as a piece of artwork.
@Pitoon please brace for stupid beginner question….you mentioned that after it dries you do some detail work. If you wouldn’t mind educating a newbie, what work are you doing once the pot is dry?
I ALSO end up doing a large chunk of my Detail/Finish procedures in the "Leather-hard-To-bone-dry" stage.

I ALSO end up doing a large chunk of my Detail/Finish procedures in the "Leather-hard-To-bone-dry" stage.

I would think the leather hard stage would be the appropriate time to detail/clean up the pot. If the clay is to soft it will just smear and loose it's shape or if it's to hard you loose the opportunity to shape/adjust. There's a small window when working with small pieces, i'm sure you know this with your smaller pieces. But the upside is if the clay gets to hard all you have to do is drop it into the damp box for a day or two to rehydrate and continue working.
I would think the leather hard stage would be the appropriate time to detail/clean up the pot. If the clay is to soft it will just smear and loose it's shape or if it's to hard you loose the opportunity to shape/adjust. There's a small window when working with small pieces, i'm sure you know this with your smaller pieces. But the upside is if the clay gets to hard all you have to do is drop it into the damp box for a day or two to rehydrate and continue working.

Gotta make a bunch of mistakes (SOME positive) to find your "schedule" or "flow".. (That's cool about those lil' individuals popping off the wheel in the morning.. i like that)

Every DECENT potter who I've SEEN work/throw.. pretty much has their own entire "way" or process of cutting, assembling, drying and detailing.... Amalgamated from What he/she/it/they have picked up along the way.. modified for specific personal use.

I always Homer Simpson "D'oh!" when I "miss that window".. I try to get MOST done in Juuuust Post-leather hard.. I like it there. HAHAHA!
It's kind of hard to believe I've made probably 200+mame pots since in the inception of this thread. I would have never thought I would have gotten this far with the mame pots. Now I'm in the process of designing my own mini wheel to replace the one I am currently working with. I'm really pushing to get this new wheel operational this year. It should open up a slightly larger door on pot size.
I have happily signed away all my rights to you! 😃
Thanks! I was getting asked quite a bit if I had a newsletter... .so I ended up setting this one up. It will for sure make it easier to get info sent out.

Next step is figuring out how to set up the online shop ;)
Next step is figuring out how to set up the online shop
I know things have changed a lot since I had a website, but it was beyond me. I had to hire someone to maintain it which was a pain in the ass. The fact that my inventory constantly changed required constant updating that was too much for my simple mind.
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