looking for help please

Wouldn’t do that. At all. If one has to change the media…. Given the tree is fastened in…

Us a wet /dry garage vacuum to vacuum the media out.

Then add new media and gently chopstick in.
Be quick about ii…. spray/ cover roots with wet towels if there is all delay.

Please be sure to have sufficient media on hand … more than needed to do this job.

Thinking the pro raised the tree to expose more roots. Could be an issue. May consider a build up around the roots.

DSD sends
Raising the tree and leaving the center core intact w/ old soil could be the problem. I'd raise the soil level. Don't mound it up, but build the walls up so its flat across. Its tough to estimate, but I'd guess ½-3/4" higher, just below the circular scar in the middle of the lower trunk of the second picture. I'd recommend filling that space w/ similar soil to whats in the rest of the pot with a dusting of sphagnum from the trunk out for about 2" or so.
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