Hey yall looking for help with my green island ficus


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I have had this ficus for about 8 months and winter in MN is harsh and dry. This ficus has slowly lost it’s leaves and I can’t quite figure out why I’ve just moved houses and I’ve kept up with the watering but I believe I may be overwatering due to the way they tunck has shriveled and lost leaves. May be too late but I see some signs of green as I’ve stopped watering it, aerating the soil (because it was rock solid, and repotting it. I will soon be moving it to a bonsai mix because I can’t deal with it anymore lol. Branches are all dead Any help would be appreciated also I just started misting it it’s that good practice with all tropicals?


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Dead as a doornail. Get another one. Keep the soil moist, but not wet. Misting is rarely of any benefit to trees, and it can often be harmful. This website is loaded with good care information, especially under the resources section. Check it out, and your next attempt should be a success. Let us know if you have any more questions.
There is a live bud coming up in the last pic. Don't toss it yet. Give it a chance. I think you can repot it in bosai soil now. Trim off dead roots and keep it warm, like on a heat mat.
Mostly dead. Even some of the trunk looks desiccated. It's not totally dead yet though, as you noted. I agree with KateM about repotting and warmth. Maybe bagging it too, would help keep the humidity up.
A good thing to consider is that as your tree loses leaves there is less surface area for respiration and water loss they will need less water. It will take longer for them to use up the available water in the soil.

Ficus tend to throw fits indoors and I've found the best way to combat that is with warm temps and strong grow lights. Is there a draft coming off the window? They won't actively grow without heat so like @KateM said a heat mat will help just remember a heat mat means more root activity and you may find your soil drying out faster. Touch the soil at least once in the morning and once in the evening to check how it's doing. Don't let it get bone dry but don't add more water if the soil is still cold and wet. Just damp is a good point to water ficus.

I try to touch the soil and leaves on my plants often to see how much water they need.
Thanks for the help guys i think part of the issue was construction in my house some sort of adhesive for the walls got sprayed on it and clogged the pores what it’s a good ratio of akadama to lava rock to pumice to calcine clay or any other additives for this tree
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