Looking for advice on dealing with thrips on ficus

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Los Angeles, CA
Has anyone got experience with successfully treating thrips on ficus? I've been spraying with soapy water mixed with a bit of rubbing alcohol for the last couple weeks and the thrips only seem to be getting worse. They were only infecting one tree at first, but have now spread to another a good few yards away. Attached are some pics of the damage to the second tree.

Insecticide? What about mechanical removal? That is, if I just defoliate the affected leaves, will the tree be rid of the problem?

Thanks in advance.


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The systemic kills everything else also. It will work though.
Ficus thrips are a huge issue with yard trees. I have 2 with the problem. In SoCal they are almost impossible to deal with. With big trees they do the damage and you just prune the affected part of tree. They are seasonal. They jump from yard trees to my bonsai as well.

You see how they work, obviously. They “taco“ the leaf and stay inside the taco so most of them do not get affected by spraying. I would recommend pulling the effected leaves then spray every few days with cold pressed neem with a mild soap to emulsify. Make notes for next year and spray early.
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