Little Spekboom... then and now.

How long have you been actively working at the nebari? Three years or so? Impressive.

Similar technique to other trees I presume?
Its been 5 years with this one. Its my only tree from my first year of attempting bonsai....2015.
Yeah, I dont do anything special with it.
Its been 5 years with this one. Its my only tree from my first year of attempting bonsai....2015.
Yeah, I dont do anything special with it.
Earlier on you mentioned maybe planting it on a tile. Was that idea abandoned? I have both ports and regular jade trying to become bonsai. Nebari seems to always grow downward, so I wonder if they could be persuaded to be more flat.
Earlier on you mentioned maybe planting it on a tile. Was that idea abandoned? I have both ports and regular jade trying to become bonsai. Nebari seems to always grow downward, so I wonder if they could be persuaded to be more flat.
I've always kept it in a pretty shallow container and always cut off all downward facing roots at each repotting .
Normally when I plant a tree on a tile I drill hole in the middle of the tile and anchor the tree to the tile with a screw.
I don't think that would really work with the Portulacaria Afra.
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