Lime Sulfur safe for maples in leaf or no?

For trees I'm growing out, I use a mix of coarse perlite and vermiculite, topped with some diatomaceous earth to weigh it down. For better trees, I upgrade to a blend of pumice and diatomaceous earth, topped with a bit of sphagnum moss to keep the shallow pot from drying out. If I ever buy an expensive tree, I'll probably shell out the money for good akadama.

I have a tree that was growing in pure sphahnum moss (the expensive stuff) also seems to have died. Or its not dead but sure taking its sweet time waking up.

Maybe its the warm winter.
Maybe its the warm winter.
Nope. It is poor practices.

Stop telling everybody they are wrong and start listening to advice. It will drastically improve your trees.
Dr realize there are people on this forum who have grown award winning trees for decades and many people here succesfully grow hundreds of bonsai. It is worth listening to what is being suggested.
Nope. It is poor practices.

Stop telling everybody they are wrong and start listening to advice. It will drastically improve your trees.
Dr realize there are people on this forum who have grown award winning trees for decades and many people here succesfully grow hundreds of bonsai. It is worth listening to what is being suggested.

It was growing fine in spagnum moss sitting outside on my deck under cover.....

What exactly did i do wrong? Please be specific.
I see zerotol is mostly just hydrogen peroxide....

Anyone have any comments on peroxide?
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