Anonymous User
Lol, no, it was what would YOU do with this tree....Whoa big guy, I'd like to pick your mind on a few more of the changes you made....
You know that as material I'm not a huge fan of this particular tree. However I am interested in what makes your brain tick in making design choices for this tree. Which is the crux of this thread if I understand the theme.....what would you do with this tree

I'd like to know why you decided to rotate the tree in your virtual. The branch being the main character in this composition is now hidden, I appreciate minimalistic, but this seems to bring a whole new meaning to it....
So why bring that branch back out of is that enhancing the image?
Minimalistic is a great term for this tree, and a design decision that was basically forced upon me, not having another real option.
The image presented lends the most visual balance to the tree as it is now. From the sides, the living branch, unless bent straight down or up creates an imbalance that can only be filled with negative space, being nothing else. This could work, but the direction of the jins on this tree could not tell the same story as such a directional change the branch would. Perhaps a future change could be made by having the living branch form a new upright apex, hence making some sense out of the direction of the jins, but at this time, the branch does not have the length or ramification to pull it off.
This and the fact that the trunk appears to have better taper at this view, caused me to consider this alternative, which reminds me of trees I have seen in the marshes of Michigan.
I'll post some other views later to further explain my decision.