Last (ever?) Mirai Tree Sale

Bet they are all influencing/streaming whatever.. :rolleyes:
Because of full time remote work, I have some friends that are doing 2-3 jobs and one is doing 5 full time jobs lol...He said you just have to schedule your meetings wisely, it's stressful but this is the only time in his life where he can make up around $500k a year and he's in his late 30s.
The ability for a Mirai thread to go off the rails is truly unparalleled. I can't wait until they post the trees for it to get even worse. I will do my best to stay out of it though.
I call bullshit.

5*40 = 200 hrs per week
7 days @ 24hrs = 148hrs
I am 100% serious , he’s doing 5 jobs at the same time. 9 to 5. We always laughing at him for that. The majority of his job is risk assessment for projects I believe.

My other friends are doing 3 full time accountant jobs also. And I have 1 friend who’s working for the government doing 2 full time jobs and 1 part time contract jobs and he’s on the golf course most days lol.
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I call bullshit.

5*40 = 200 hrs per week
7 days @ 24hrs = 148hrs

I would imagine that these people are holding the prodigal "bullshit jobs", probably in mid-tier corporate jobs that are always holding meetings-that-could-be-emails to justify their existence, and then doing the bare minimum to avoid getting fired in each job. Maybe two or 2.5 hours of diligent work per day for each job? 5 jobs * 2.5 hrs/job * 5 days/week = 62.5 hrs/week

I'd wager good money that none of the jobs/bosses know about the other four. A similar headline was making the rounds on DC-area Instagram pages a couple months ago
I would imagine that these people are holding the prodigal "bullshit jobs", probably in mid-tier corporate jobs that are always holding meetings-that-could-be-emails to justify their existence, and then doing the bare minimum to avoid getting fired in each job. Maybe two or 2.5 hours of diligent work per day for each job? 5 jobs * 2.5 hrs/job * 5 days/week = 62.5 hrs/week

I'd wager good money that none of the jobs/bosses know about the other four. A similar headline was making the rounds on DC-area Instagram pages a couple months ago
Of course no one knows that he has 5 jobs besides him or else he would be fired. But he’s been doing it for a while now and he juggles it well.
So he's got 2.5 government jobs and the government has no clue? Why am i not surprised? lol
No.. 1 DC government job, 1 contract IT job and he’s helping my other friend with his newly establish IT service business.
No.. 1 DC government job, 1 contract IT job and he’s helping my other friend with his newly establish IT service business.
I hope not to develop or further anything related to the rotten ......AI ...... phase. :mad:😤💩
No.. 1 DC government job, 1 contract IT job and he’s helping my other friend with his newly establish IT service business.
well, I hope the government doesn't find out he is working on another job on their dime, because he will have some serious concequences. Especially if he holds a clearance. It is clearly a violation of the ethics act.
Switching a private for-profit business into a non profit solely for tax purposes rarely makes sense. You give up a lot(control, autonomy, privacy, etc.) in return for the tax-exempt status. Additionally, corporate taxes are rarely an issue for small businesses as business profit is typically pass through income anyways. In fact, taking a business’s profits as distribution has a 10%+ savings over taking it as a salary(payroll liabilities). And like you said, if it’s a low profit operation, the savings are even less impactful for what you’re giving up.

Running the sale of trees via the non profit does have advantages to buyers as payment to the non profit is a deduction to the buyer’s income vs using post tax funds. This is turn could fuel higher prices for trees. For example, a buyer could either buy a $10,000 tree using post taxed income or $20,000 tree using pre taxed income (assuming the highest tax bracket). It doesn’t mean more profit for the non-profit (well they’re a non profit) but does allow more funds to fuel their primary mission.

Back to the OP: This will indeed be the last annual tree sale. You can still reach out to Mirai for future tree purchases.
All true, but in the financial world I see (as I'm sure you do as well) people getting talked into things that don't make sense all the time. Or they get an idea and run with it. You wouldn't believe how many people ask me about putting their LLC in a trust, thinking it will save them in taxes. Unaware of the drastically compressed tax brackets trust income is subject to.
huh? All I hear is that the USA economy is on the greatest growth spurt in decades, lasting several years now; effectively ever since vaccinations dropped Corona infections into mostly non-life threatening forms. Is that not what is happening?
You must have heard that from DNC speeches last few nights? I have to say my monthly expenses are at least 1500 more than before.
You must have heard that from DNC speeches last few nights? I have to say my monthly expenses are at least 1500 more than before.
Remember that Jelle is in Germany, so he don't see all the news from the US unless he actually tune in to different networks. And keep in mind that there are a lot of US citizens that actually think that our economy is the greatest at this time. 🤷‍♂️ Man, bring back the $2 gallon of gas and $5 lb of beef please, I'm tired of $4-5 gal gas and $10 lb steaks (even in TX...)

Back to Mirai, they sent an email yesterday. They will have a stream an hour before the sale begins to showcase the trees and discuss the future initiative.



Thursday, 8/29 at 10 AM PST

Our final tree sale launches at 11 AM PST on Mirai Goods, featuring some truly exceptional trees. While it's bittersweet to part with these beauties, we’re excited for them to continue their journey in your collections as we begin a new chapter focused on conservation, ecology, and sustainability. Above, you'll find a sneak preview of some of the trees that will be included in the sale.

To celebrate this milestone, we’re hosting a live stream event at 10 AM PST on Thursday, 8/29, just before the sale begins. Join us on Mirai Live and YouTube as we showcase select trees, share their stories, and discuss our future initiatives. A replay will be available in our library for those who can't join live.

This sale is a tribute to the past 10 years of our annual tradition, and we’re honored to offer you one last chance to add a piece of our bonsai legacy to your collection. Moving forward, Mirai trees will still be accessible through our nonprofit, the One Tree Project, allowing you to contribute to our preservation efforts.

Your support has been invaluable, and as we close this chapter, we look forward to embracing the future together.
I can’t keep up with Mirai. I miss the days of “Super Tuesdays” on the live stream, etc. Then they stopped doing the live streams in favor of the app.

Now it seems like it’s shifting away from bonsai altogether to focus on conservation (?). The message posted in the OP seems kind of cryptic. I don’t get it…..
I tried to embrace the app. I just don't have the time to learn it... I miss the videos too.
If you're doing anything AI related and calling it "IT service", you really need to rewrite your resume
No… It’s me who’s calling it IT service since I am a low tech guy and I don’t know another way to describe it lol.
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