Did a complete clear out of the clay and dirt this thing had been growing in. No wonder it was so scraggily. It’s potted in 1:1:1 APL. In an Anderson flat. Since repotting 5 days ago it has begun to open its buds. I went ahead and did a sketch of what i envision for this tree. I will need to thread graft at least 2 branches and will also need to work on the roots some. I dont see this tree being a completely full heavily ramified tree over time but rather an old oak that has gone through struggle for decades and centuries.
The branches in red will be the potential thread graft branches/trunks as both will need to be removed eventually. The top branch will be my prime candidate for the branch that moves right off of the trunk. I will do some carving and deadwood work at the top of the trunk after that section is removed. Id imagine this vision is a 7-10 year project.

The branches in red will be the potential thread graft branches/trunks as both will need to be removed eventually. The top branch will be my prime candidate for the branch that moves right off of the trunk. I will do some carving and deadwood work at the top of the trunk after that section is removed. Id imagine this vision is a 7-10 year project.