Juniper Procumbens Nana Veins

I was thinking fungus also, found it at a huge landscape nursery. All the way in the back. Not cared for much. There is plenty more. I'll have to go back and see if there is some with a little more potential than this one, the sling shot trunks bother me.
I like the left trunk but the right trunk not so much. Here is a possible direction you could go in. It will be a bit of a challenge changing the planting so much but it could be a one of a kind and interesting tree.


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Related to this thread. So taking the flaky bark off is okay. But not to deeply is what I read. Just enough to smooth it out and increase the ability to find, identify and follow a vein. And it can look better overall. So......
1. Does taking off that layer of bark decrease the tree's ability to withstand climate changes? (I'm in Michigan's snow and cold country)
2. Is flaky bark removal something generally reserved for a more finished tree instread of a tree still in creation....that has grafting yet to be done? Like my tree.
3. Is the flaky bark removal something that should only be done at a particular time of the year....such as Spring or Summer?

Here's photos of my flaky bark. Juniper in early stages...very early. This was trenched in March this year and pulled from the ground in October this year. Next years plan is to see that it grows. That's the number one objective. I'm just curious well ahead of time.
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2015-10-30 20.58.54.jpg Did some peeling of the bark and found quite a bit of deadwood. Took a dremel to it. Not to experienced with carving., but i really enjoyed doing it.Finding the live veins is Pretty hard. I read that on younger trees it's hard to find because they are not as prominent. They don't just yell "here I am"! They should swell over time.
So I did a little virt. Put a pot under it and blacked out some foliage. I know it's not great but I'm having a lot of fun with it. What do you think?
Also when carving the dead wood, some of the wood is a reddish color inside. Is this because it recently died there or is that just the way procumbens wood is? And will it bleach out with lime sulfur?
I would pull those two trunks really close together while they are alive, slowly, over the course of x., and Jin the right one.

Then lay it on the right side.

Or not. Tuff call!

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