Japanese maple #5 progression

I was looking back through Naka's Bonsai Techniques II and he calls these low branches "hem-line" branches, because the flare of the nebari is like a skirt.
Fall 2014 update

Quick update on this maple. This year its fall color shifted more to yellow than the red/orange from last year. I believe this is most likely due to sunlight exposure (or lack of). It spent most of the growing season in more shaded conditions. Next spring I'll be focusing on the apex and I'd like to wire it move it down towards the left and set it more parallel to the horizon line. Other work needs to be done throughout the tree as well as finding a slightly larger and better quality pot.

Beautiful! I love the color this year.
Very natural tree, Mach5! This has been my first year with maples and I'm really impressed by your leaf condition at the end of the year. All of mine edned up scorched from too much sun and wind.
The little trunks are coming along...

Yes Judy the small trunks are doing very well. They were quite vigorous this year. Even the lowest one close by the soil did also really well. Been working very diligently to keep them healthy and not get overshadowed by the parent tree. These trunks I feel are a must for this composition so I cannot afford to loose them!

Great work, Sergio! Really fine execution, and detail work.

Thanks Fred! Lots more to do and lots more time before this becomes a bonsai. Besides wiring, pruning, etc, I will be doing some root grafts on the back of the tree in spring.

Beautiful! I love the color this year.

Dan I love the yellow as well! I hope I can get it again next year.

The foliage on your maples, in mid fall, is always pristine with barely a blemish on any leaf...truly amazing.

Thanks Dave! Unfortunately not all my maples behave this well! :rolleyes:

Very natural tree, Mach5! This has been my first year with maples and I'm really impressed by your leaf condition at the end of the year. All of mine edned up scorched from too much sun and wind.

Thanks KM! Yes it is always a challenge to keep these trees in good shape until fall. They are notorious for getting leaf burn almost by looking at them the wrong way! Make sure you provide them bright shade in summer and keep them very well watered. Even with lots of care and all sorts of precautions, they still may go south on you! :mad:
Great color! Love the tree as always when it comes to your trees.
Early Spring update. I wired about a third of the tree and pruned wherever necessary. It is now ready after 4 years for a much needed repotting in a few more weeks. Have not found yet a more final pot for this one but search is on. Possibly a shallow, rectangular shaped container this time.

The second trunk graft union has by now completely fused with the parent tree and starting to look much more natural.

The wounds that were cleaned and recut a few years ago have healed nicely and will eventually blend in with the rest of the trunk.

Although this tree is still relatively young, it is now beginning to form mature desirable features such as the vertical striations on the bark. It has a long way to go and I estimate that it will take another 15 to 20 years for the entire length of the trunk and primary branches to become completely grey.

It is fun to see progression photos. The hope of course is that you are always moving the tree forward. Below is the tree more or less as it looked when I first purchased it till now.

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