Thanks for letting us know, As your description, Brent’s and mine are probably the same, but it should not have a graft at all. In my experience, the branch with red flowers , will always have red flowers; in contrast if branches have different kind of flowers, it may also have red flower in those branches. The red flower are much stronger than the other colors. It is why when I do air layers, I choose the branch with different colors except red.The " Toyo Nishiki" Improved strain from Evergreen has multicolour blooms that vary with the season and condition of the plant! By this I mean that each year there appear to be subtle differences in display! Also the flowers seem to have more intensity as the plants become more established. I believe the multicolour branching is a result of grafting and the colours are restricted to the grafted branch. White on the white branch, pink on the pink, red and white on the red and white branch. At least that has been my experience and observations with the strain so far! Hope this information helps.
And you are absolutely correct . The health of the tree, the temperature, humidity all affect to the red color tone.
Like this tree which I airlayered last August, today it has 1st flower: white and pink petals. It should be red instead of pink
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