Japanese Beech Forest

Brink, I did not. The main tree lost almost all of its leaves on its own.
First, i wish i could see this tree in person. Must be even more impressive. Maybe a bit off topic but i have the impression that for beech and for some other species the strongest trees lose their leaves faster than the weaker trees. Sometimes i see the weakest trees start growing first (to optimize the light they get in spring?). It might be that i'm seeing ghosts or mother nature plays her carts.
Ps. I don't like the idea of this lovely tree, being partially naked, to be exposed to some perv filming her.:rolleyes:
Mach5 said:
Bill caught the whole thing using the video camera of his IPhone. I believe he may be posting it somewhere or... he will use it as blackmail!

Dirk said:
Ps. I don't like the idea of this lovely tree, being partially naked, to be exposed to some perv filming her.:rolleyes:

Bolero said:
Bill Valavanis is hardly a perv....
As a bonsai dude i must admit that i look under the skirt once in a while too...
I don't know how other beech respond to leaf loss, but I can tell you that my old one does loose it's leaves in winter, but my younger one still keeps them all winter long. I have been told that age is a factor and it seems to be the case.
And that is why to me, the tallest trees not having leaves on the apexes actually makes sense to my eyes, and tells the truth of the forest in winter.
First, i wish i could see this tree in person. Must be even more impressive. Maybe a bit off topic but i have the impression that for beech and for some other species the strongest trees lose their leaves faster than the weaker trees. Sometimes i see the weakest trees start growing first (to optimize the light they get in spring?). It might be that i'm seeing ghosts or mother nature plays her carts.
Ps. I don't like the idea of this lovely tree, being partially naked, to be exposed to some perv filming her.:rolleyes:

Dirk, I have not noticed this at least not yet. For whatever the reason, this year the tallest tree did end up loosing most of its leaves. But I have the second strongest one at the back which is still holding steadfast to its leaves!
Dirk, I have not noticed this at least not yet. For whatever the reason, this year the tallest tree did end up loosing most of its leaves. But I have the second strongest one at the back which is still holding steadfast to its leaves!
Thanks, i might just imagine it.
I have this photo posted on my website but thought I'd put it up here as well. This was taken the day of the Kennett Collection sale at the Gateway Nursery in Delaware before the sale frenzy began. You can see the beech forest lower center. The other beech forest next to it I had considered as well. Photo courtesy of Capital Bonsai.

Beautiful forest, Sergio. It looks even better w/o leaf here than it did at the National Show. Congratulations!

Funny thing... any time I see these photos of different gardens/nurseries, I am always checking out their benches almost before I look at the trees :)

Yes I tend to do the same LOL! Gateway Nursery however, is a regular nursery and do not, as far as I know, sell or grow bonsai. Their benches are used for flowers and such. It was selected as the venue to sell Mr. Paul's trees but that was it.
Beautiful forest, Sergio. It looks even better w/o leaf here than it did at the National Show. Congratulations!


Thanks Scott! I agree. The full canopy of leaves made this forest seem dark at the Nationals and one could hardly be able to appreciate the beautiful white trunks and branches. I am considering possibly showing this tree one last time at MABS next spring. This time I think I will remove all dead leaves and show it stark naked. Afterwards, I may not show it again for several years. I think it needs a brake... and more development! :rolleyes:
Recently received a high res and professionally taken photo of the beech forest on its acrylic stand. An amazing job was done by the great Joe Noga who painstakingly photographed each individual tree at the recent Winter Silhouette Expo. Joe himself received the "best deciduous" award. For anyone interested, here is a full report of the show by Adam Lavigne: https://adamaskwhy.com/2016/12/09/winter-silhouette-expo-2016/

Recently received a high res and professionally taken photo of the beech forest on its acrylic stand. An amazing job was done by the great Joe Noga who painstakingly photographed each individual tree at the recent Winter Silhouette Expo. Joe himself received the "best deciduous" award. For anyone interested, here is a full report of the show by Adam Lavigne: https://adamaskwhy.com/2016/12/09/winter-silhouette-expo-2016/

Have the edges been worked to be translucent? Polished or what have you. Earlier photos seemed to show a distinct contrast....the edges looked opaque.....or something like that.

Really swank!! But myself, I like a classic table.
Is that a wood prop underneath the slab?

Honestly, it could be on a picnic table propped up on paper plates and it would still look fab!!! Pass the sauerkraut!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Best of show is always a nice addition to your palmares!!!
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