Jacqueline Hillier Elm

I just tuned in on this thread and read through it. I see a few folks doing good work with these and I have mine for about fifteen years now. I've grown it from a quarter inch rooted cutting. A couple of years in a pot and then I set it out in the garden for three years and it gained significant size and girth. About four inches on the butt end. We moved and I had to chop it and dig it up , but I left it a good three feet tall and figured I could rework it where the dust settled. It stayed in the wooden box I'd planted it in for a couple of years and grew very well. It was replanted in the ground again and I had to move again, but I didn't want to dig it up again and it was the wrong time to dig it up. The new owner let me keep it in the ground there until I got situated again. Long story short, it was three years until I got the tree back and it was ravaged and eaten by the deer and left unattended, never watered or fed. He completely forgot it was there, along with several other trees I left in his care. One day he showed up with six trees in his trailer and said he found these trees when he was clearing some brabble and these were the only ones still alive. One of them was my Jacqueline Hillier Elm. All the branches and structure of the tree were gone. Just a two foot trunk remained with a few studs and stumps where the big branches were.
That was seven years ago and it has flourished under my care again and become a very nice looking, very enjoyable tree to have on my bench and a pleasure to work with.
I'll try to get some recent pictures posted. I just let it go through a good grow out and trimmed it all back to the bones again. Now she's flushing out again.
Wow.very nice looking. Im growing mine for first year
Is your Hillier Elm dormant now?? Mine still have fiew leaves on all branches!! Its normal for this kind of species??
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