Is this the final stage?

Plan filed.
You have a point. Didn't think about the tree the way you point. I only was trying to make an opportunity to work on it , just for the very pleasure of doing it.
But as you state, it can be a reasonable tree the way it is!
Go buy cheap big box of your choice and enjoy! At €10, sky's the limit. Do not be concerned by the ultimate size of the tree after you have styled it. Bonsai includes lots of little trees that are every bit as satisfying as big ones sought by newbees, and you can own lots and lots and lots of species and always have something to play with. You can acquire biggies over time when you get to be a good shopper and can spot a good one online, offline, at auctions, from friends tired of this or that for trade, along the roadside, and so on. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you're polishing skills on the cheap. Volume educates.
And polish this Too Tall Jones into better than you bought it. It can be made into trade bait because we all have different likes and dislikes and somebody will admire it and you can reel him in...
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