is this a reasonable step by step black pine tutorial?

I would love a BOON dvd of converting a 3 year seedling in to a presentable tree... and then you can use the other videos already available. But the maple series starts from cheap stock instead of starting with thousands of dollars in each pine.
You can use the JBP techniques in Boon's videos with any tree that already has a base you're comfortable with - obviously, you need something more developed than 3-year old seedlings. In one of his videos (I think the decandling one), he is working on one where he is grafting on the new apex if I remember correctly.
Is this a future reverse taper problem?


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No, way, way, way to young. That can grow out in a month!
There is a whorl, there. Where more than two branches begin from the same spot. THAT'S a possible inverse taper. Each branch builds a buttress to make a strong union where joins the trunk. When there are three or more branches building the buttresses, the trunk swells. That's what creates the reverse taper. It becomes knobby. Mugo pines are especially bad about this. But any pine can do it. The more branches coming from one spot, the worse the problem is.

That's why we reduce the branches to two at every joint.
If this is:

1. Part of a sacrifice branch - then keep everything unless part is shading the portions of the tree that you want to use for your bonsai.

2 A section of trunk that you want to use for your finished composition then remove all but one of the side branches. The alternate is to wire it, remove two of the side branches and bend the main leader over to be a sacrifice while pointing the remaining branch up to create a shorter and smaller next trunk section.

Well the thick part is a sacrifice branch, so I must be all good.
is that the blurb book? I don't mind buying it, but it seems to be helpful at a state way more advanced than were I am standing right now.
The PDF file has evolved into the book that is available for sale through Blurb or IBookstore.

Max, have you read this thread? It may address the stage of your pines:

Eric's work on JBP from seed is impressive, so his GSSB article is good.

More additional reading on sacrifice branches:
Thanks for those links Brian, I actually have read those... but am scared to start working a tree! hahaha

With the blurb version, does it get updated? Or the itunes version better?
by the way, I sell a lot of books from blurb to my wedding clients, you can remove the first blurb image and blurb notice from the first page without paying.
Ok, so back to business.
Here are my two JBP

They both looked almost the same at the beggining. But I think I might have cut the circling roots on tree number 2 a bit out of season. The candles extended and then dried out, and now I have 2 new buds on that tree, so maybe it is not dead (or maybe it is and will die soon) with its two new buds in circle A and B.

And here is tree number 1 with an new bud in the red circle.

Here is a view from a bit higher on tree 1

I wired these having basically no idea whatsoever!! Is there any potential? Should I rewire?
These are in pumice and red lava with guano.


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They are very young and have the potential to grow into whatever you want them to be. They need to grow. I like the movement of the slanting one. If you like the movment of them then you dont need to rewire now except that it looks to me that the coils on some of your wiring could be a bit closer. However, it it is holding the shape that you want, it is fine for now. You can redo it when it need it.
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They are very young and have the potential to grow into whatever you want them to be. They need to grow. I like the movement of the slanting one. If you like the movment of them then you dont need to rewire now except that it looks to me that the coils on some of your wiring could be a bit closer. However, it it is holding the shape that you want, it is fine for now. You can redo it when it need it.
Thanks Paradox, any thoughts on the tree that suffered from dry needles? Is it a goner?
Guano? !!! really? Bat poop?

Is it mixed in with soil or sprinkled on top?

If it is sprinkled on top, it's maybe ok. But you wouldn't want it as a part of a soil mix. It would hold WAY too much water, and perhaps be too nutrient rich.
batboop is correct! It is high in N.
It is sprinkled on top. A couple of friends have been using it. I ran out of it so might not buy again...
The tree burn happened before using it anyway.
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