If the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, where does the rain in Houston fall...?

The rain in Houston first falls all on highway 59 and turns it into a river.
Never heard of dry lightning? We get that every summer - Thunderstorms that don't rain but still have thunder and lightning which means the lightning hits dry ground and there's no rain to douse the fires. We can get up to 20 fires start from a dry lightning storm.
Omg grew up in houston so I had to read this thread. I can attest that Houston’s weather is a lot like the rest of the gulf coast. My family in Houston for Harvey was all like @markyscott and on high ground thankfully. Irma got me in SWFL really bad though I’m glad it missed you guys. Two years in a row would’ve been too much! The river we run trips on was 19.6 feet above normal by our measurements(actually counting dock steps then measuring when it came over the top. USGS can vary depending on your location vs the nearest gauge but the river got so high they actually matched us at that level. It got into our office in an area that has never seen a flood. It had Arcadia surrounded by water over the bridges and across roads yards/meters deep in some places leaving one way in and out. We were cleaning up for months. The only good side is that it wasn’t a major wind event like Charley. I hate hurricanes and really hope this year isn’t as bad as they’re predicting for you guys in Houston. Sending love your way. If the storm misses give my love to the trees it’ll help me grow! Y’all stay dry now!
Well, east of Houston this time, but our neighbors on the Gulf Coast all the same. Heading to Louisiana tomorrow to open a Red Cross shelter somewhere near New Orleans.
For those out of the US who are not familiar with The Weather Channel, here is live coverage of what's going on. The impact of Wildfires is huge and out of my imagination... Keep safe you all.
Chainsaw Massacre ? Last week we lost power for 16 hours due to a Douglas fir that decided to take a " break" and lie down. Neighbour cut and hauled for four days it was a larger one. Glad the trees missed the vehicles and the bonsai.
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