How would you act if you were to eliminate #1 out of #3 trunks?

Here they are, in hopes you will be able to have a more complete picture....

This is how it was when brought home from the nursery
View attachment 181214

It has been repotted (HBR) last October and here it is now.
Yellow color indicates the trunk I want to remove.
View attachment 181215 and this View attachment 181216

This is the portion of foliage removed some days ago in order to have a clearer view of what's going on in there...
Mainly shoots growing on the underside of branches and one or two bigger stuff... around 1/3+ of the whole foliage.
View attachment 181218

And this photo is the intended (more or less) new (next at re-potting) angle and the trunk to be removed.
As I said elsewhere the first segment I will keep and turn into jin/deadwood.
View attachment 181219

Now the plan makes sense. You are not going to be able to remove this branch and bet it to grow unless you are successful in getting it to root, or if you cut the portion of the tree connected to the branch with what appears to be a couple of substantial roots on the side with the branch growing to the right.
Sorry, very late responding here. Anyway, agreed with others. Cut it all in one go.
Hello @MACH5 !
Thank you anyway for your consideration and your time to reply! I do appreciate it!
No, don't feel sorry for "late" response. This project isn't going to be into implementation until later....
I tend to decide that I shall do it when the tree is H.B.R-ed for the second time i.e. next spring (2019) or perhaps coming fall 2018
All in one go as suggested :)
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