Whatever, Chef Dave or Shannon or whoever you are. It's heartening to know that you're flush with cash and don't have to screw people out of their hard earned money ...that's great and I'm happy for you. Just to be clear, though, you've been on this site for less then 3 days and you're portraying yourself; 1) as someone who has been practicing bonsai for 2/3 of their life (some might consider that to be an expert, though I wouldn't get that from the diagrams you provided...Yikes!), and 2) a source of descent trident stock to be purchased. Also, your username is similar to a low life from another bonsai forum who screwed more then a couple of people under the premise of selling tridents, and you have trouble typing/writing. I know, it's probably all coincidence

. Either that, or you are truly a moron. Anyway, I'm not going to google your name or call Brussells...I'm going to sit back and watch. Besides, I really enjoy reading your posts...they're absolutely brimming with cutting edge techniques I'd never heard of. Keep up the good work, Chef!