For me in bald cypress bonsai, I looked at
@Mellow Mullet trees, found their videos online and studied them. That gave me a tremendous start. 3 years ago I started and now I am comfortable with the horticultural aspects and have practiced some of the shaping techniques shown by them. Then I also looked at some very artistic trees by
@MACH5 &
@Cadillactaste as inspiration. I don't know how far I can go but I think I have made good progress.
I also learned the value of getting better trees. I spent two years playing with seedlings and small bald cypress from big box stores. I think that is one year too long. One year is necessary and sufficient. Right now, if I start from BC seeds, that will be for defined purposes and not for the sake of learning.
One of these days when I have more time, I will then try to get some hands-on experience/study sessions with the experts, much like what
@IzzyG has done. I believe that will lift me to the next level.
I took the same approach with Mayhaw. Not finding many examples out there, I looked for similar hawthorns by experts out there and try to learn from them. Around here, I really like the hawthorns done by
Most important of all, I have enjoyed my bonsai journey. I took tremendous joy when my grandson wants to help grandpa water the trees.